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Food Fund

Please help us ensure the baboons are well fed and healthy.

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Food fund

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If each person gives a little, it adds up to a lot.  Please give what you can.  It really adds up to make a massive impact.


C.A.R.E. is a non-profit organisation without any government funding or major sponsors to cover the day-to-day costs (which exceeds on average R180,000 per month ($18,000) or R6,000 every day ($600).  We can only manage these expenses with your help.  You & people like you making a decision to make a donation, to feed an orphan, to cover a vet bill, to save a life.  It's your help that gives the orphans a second chance.

If you can help today, or join our global supporters to set up a monthly donation you are saving lives & ensuring our animals are very happy & healthy,


We need three trucks of food every day to feed the baboons at the centre.  Baboons are large-bodied primates and cannot be considered releasable until the core of the troop is physically and emotionally mature.  Please help us ensure the baboons are well fed and healthy.

  • Milk for one

    • Give an orphan a bottle of milk
  • Food for one

    • Feed an orphan for 1 day
  • Fuel fund

    • Fill our truck with fuel so we can collect food today
  • Feed a troop

    • Feed a whole troop for a day
  • Fill our truck

    • Support local farmers & fill our food truck with veggies
  • Feed the centre

    • Feed the entire centre for a day
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