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Coffee Mornings Raised £700 for Veterinary Clinic!

WVS Volunteer Charity sends Veterinary Volunteers to C.A.R.E. Baboon Sanctuary

Just before my adventure to volunteer again at C.A.R.E. baboon sanctuary in January of this year (2016) as a Veterinary Nurse, I decided to challenge myself to raise some much needed extra funds for the Centre! I had no idea how well it would turn out, but thanks to my colleagues, friends and family I managed to fundraise around £700! This money allowed me to purchase much needed Veterinary medications and supplies for the clinic, along with the donations of bottles, nappies, vitamins and other essentials for the orphans and adult baboons.

I raised £700 by holding a couple of coffee mornings!

HOW? I raised £700 by holding a couple of coffee mornings! I basically turned my house into a cafe for the day by placing borrowed tables and chairs in both my living room and kitchen. I charged an entrance fee of £3 to eat and drink as much as they could.

INVITATIONS AND PRE-PLANNING; I invited all my family and friends via Facebook, email or via text. I put out an invite 1 month prior to the event being held and sent out several reminders leading up the day. I asked friends and family to help out with furniture and some tasty cakes and snacks.

NERVES; I felt nervous that no one would show up, but I was well prepared and the events were actually really fun.

PROUD AND THANKFUL; Lots of people attended and the events were huge successes! I am so thankful to my family for helping me out with all the cakes and tray-bakes (there were so many goodies I thought I would turn diabetic just looking at it all!).

EXTRAS: As well as the entrance fee I sold used books and jigsaws, had a 'guess the monkeys birthday' for £1, and sold homemade raspberry and summer fruits jam using old sauce jars jazzed up with some old cloth.

SUCCESS! The two coffee mornings were a huge success raising around £350 per day and it was great to have all my family and friends in one house. In addition to the monetary donations I also collected nappies, bottles and other general supplies for the orphans and adult baboons!

C.A.R.E.'s Veterinary Clinic

I'd happily do it every weekend to benefit the baboons, however, the tables are too heavy and awkward to do every day off! I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to try to raise funds for such a deserving cause. It is a great way to spread the word and raise awareness too. Not everyone attending will come because they believe in the cause, often, they come to support you as a person; it's important to remember to invite those that are there to support you too as they will help it be a success and take a lot of the hosting and responsibilities off your shoulders. Make sure you print off some posters and leaflets about the centre and if possible have the YouTube videos playing on a screen; it all helps to inform people.

The medicines and supplies travelled with me to C.A.R.E., the staff were excited and grateful!

"Fundraising was actually much easier than I had imagined and we all had a great time for a good cause! So, if thinking about it, just do it! The baboons really need your help."

- Rachel Hay, Veterinary Nurse, Scotland.


C.A.R.E. would like to say a huge thank you to Rachel, to her colleagues, friends and family. £700 is a huge amount of money for the Veterinary Clinic and will help keep the baboons healthy and well! We are so grateful for Rachel's efforts, it truly means a lot and makes a real difference to the centre. Thank you!

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